Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I want to encourage everyone to write down your dreams. About seven years ago I had a dream, and I was on a journey walking up a mountain, and the first part of this mountain was pretty easy, the slope was not too steep, and was able to walk it alone.

However the farther up I climbed the mountain became very steep, and the path was very narrow, basically I was able to only put one foot in front of another.

Then all at once there were two others there, one on my left, and the other on my right, and they were helping me up this very steep mountain range.

Up until now I was not sure what that was about, I just knew it was my walk with the Lord, and every now and then the Holy Spirit would give a little here and a little there to keep me searching.

Last night at my Life Group meeting as I was showing the DVD of John Bevere about heaven and the fear and love of the Lord, the lights went on in my heart; I saw that mountain again and it was Love of God on one side of me and the Fear of the Lord on the other, they were both holding my hands. The bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom and understand, and it keeps us from falling into lewdness, and the Lord, agape kind of Love keeps us from falling into legalism, and with out both we become unbalanced. So lets pray, Father God by your Holy Spirit and the shed blood of Jesus we ask you to fill us a fresh, and birth inside us the fear and love of the Lord, that we would love and honor you to the point of death, death to our ways and our flesh, having a knowing of Your presents inside us that we would not want to hurt You in any. In Jesus name amen
Happy Reading
copyright @ by Jacqueline Roland

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