Thursday, April 3, 2008

The One True God

This stems from an email of oprah telling million of people that Jesus is not the way

Church enough is enough, we need to wake up and smell what is happening in this world, by this one woman oprah, millions are being deceived, and this is one signs of the great whore which is in Revelation, I am not saying she is, however she is leading many astray, they will be going into the pit of hell if we do not rise up and pray, and show ms. oprah that Jesus is then only way unto the Father, there is no other way, for He Jesus is the Truth the Way and the life. Money is the driving force for her; she uses the principles of the one true God to make herself a god. The Bible says the rain, wealth, or what ever rains on the unjust as well as the righteous. That is good and wonderful and all that, but in no way is there many paths to heaven, only one path to Our Father, and that is by His Son Jesus Christ, it was His Blood that was shed for us, it was His body that God took all the sins and sickness and put it on Jesus for you and me, our part is to received what Jesus has done for us and live our life unto Him. My heart breaks at the though of all these people can be lead away because of greed, and not wanted to Love Jesus just for what He has done, Jesus has given us so many wonderful things, and it is our part to receive them walk with our Lord Jesus daily, He said daily take up your cross and follow after Me, this means to lay down your ways and your desires and wants, for God has so much more than you can think or imagine. God is so hurt, just like in the days of old, "His people rejected Him and told Moses you go and talk with God for us" Then God said to Moses, " these your people" at that moment in His hurt the Lord God called them Moses people, because the people did not what a authentic relationship’s with God, they wanted a adultery one through Moses. Think about it, you who are married, you start to have relations with your wife or husband through your neighbor, how bad is that, well that’s what happen...You can fine these accounts in the books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. Yet in the New Testament we have even a better covenant through Jesus. Please we must do our part in opening the eyes to the truth so all these will not go to hell who follow such people as oprah, she herself needs Jesus more than she knows.

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