For a week or so it has been on my heart the word “Compromise”; three times now I have heard it, so I went and looked up what this word truly meant and even read some stories about it. Then I prayed and hoped I have not compromise in any of my action, but some how I think God was going to reveal to all of us, that we all have compromise in one way or another. So what I am about to write is what I believe the Lord is downloading in me as I type.
Compromise can have two meanings; one is when two people, or place or thing come to an agreement and each compromise’s something in their belief system to do so.
Like a married couple, the husband wants to go golfing, and the wife want to go shopping, so the two of them come to the middle and compromise what each want for the other, and then peace comes.
Another meaning is a city that gives in to pressure from big business, men who pressure them to go a certain way, and the city will compromise in order for these business to come into a city. Now was that a good compromise or a bad one? It will depend on what the issue was, and that is in anything that we measure.
So a big question I believe from God’s heart is “Are you compromising your faith or belief system in order to please man, or yourself? What would it mean to compromise with God’s word? I know of a church that allowed the world’s way of doing things to creep in there belief system just so they could be a seeker friendly place to come and worship however, there worship music was worldly songs that they tried to turn in to Godly songs. God does not need recycled music or recycled anything, for He is the Creator of all things. So by doing what they did “Compromise” their doors shut, and the sheep of that part of the body was scattered.
I am asking myself these same questions; some people say you just go too deep, well how deep is God? How deep and wide is His love for us? Wouldn’t the Holy Spirit want us to go as deep in Jesus as possible? There have been very deep wrinkles and spots in our souls and love feast according to what the Lord says,
I Timothy 6:14 says this: 6:14 (KJV)
That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable,
Until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ
1. Spot means: spotless
2. Metaph.
a. Free from censure, irreproachable
b. Free from vice, unsullied
1. Unrebukeable means: not apprehended, that cannot be laid hold of
2. That cannot be reprehended, not open to censure, irreproachable
Ephesians 5:27 (KJV)
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
2Pe 3:14 (KJV)
Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
These are just a few verses that show where we can go wrong if not alter. I felt, where are we going as a people in this nation and city we have a need to examine ourselves and make sure we do not compromise our walk. I will be real here I can see in my past some things in the finances where I messed up bad, and was lead by my soul, and not the heart of God, God wants a cheerful giver,
2 Cor 9:7 (KJV)
Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly *, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.
Lets look at the word necessity, this word means: necessity imposed either by the circumstances, or by law of duty regarding to one's advantage, custom, argument calamity, distress, straits
So the bible says not to do give a seed because of a need right? So why does the body of Christ do this? For this is where I have been pulled in and pressured of sowing and reaping. Bad motives.
Let’s look at the word not grudgingly:
sorrow, pain, grief, annoyance, affliction of persons mourning
Lets look at the word Purpose:
1. to bring forward, bring forth from one's stores
2. To bring forth for one's self, to choose for one's self before another, to prefer
3. To purpose
Numbers 30 Making a vow. (NCB)
Moses spoke with the leaders of the Israelite tribes. He told them these commands from the Lord. 2 "If a man makes a promise to the Lord or says he will do something special, he must keep his promise. He must do what he said.
3 If a young woman still living at home makes a promise to the Lord or pledges to do something special, 4 and if her father hears about the promise or pledge and says nothing, she must do what she promised. She must keep her pledge. 5 But if her father hears about the promise or pledge and does not allow it, then the promise or pledge does not have to be kept. Her father would not allow it, so the Lord will free her from her promise. 6 "If a woman makes a pledge or a careless promise and then gets married, 7 and if her husband hears about it and says nothing, she must keep her promise or the pledge she made. 8 But if her husband hears about it and does not allow it, he cancels her pledge or the careless promise she made. The Lord will free her from keeping it. 9 "If a widow or divorced woman makes a promise, she must do whatever she promised. 10 "If a woman makes a promise or pledge while she is married, 11 and if her husband hears about it but says nothing and does not stop her, she must keep her promise or pledge. 12 But if her husband hears about it and cancels it, she does not have to do what she said. Her husband has canceled it, so the Lord will free her from it. 13 A woman's husband may make her keep or cancel any promise or pledge she has made. 14 If he says nothing to her about it for several days, she must keep her promises. If he hears about them and says nothing, she must keep her promises. 15 But if he cancels them long after he heard about them, he is responsible if she breaks her promise." 16 These are commands that the Lord gave to Moses for husbands and wives, and for fathers with daughters living at home.
I bring this up because this has been my weakness, I want to give cheerfully, and make a pledge, then, I do not have the money to pay my bills, and it is not so cheerful, I have is times past thought God spoke to my heart about a certain offering, and then the money never came or was post pone to the point of me compromising my word. In the above chapter in numbers, it talks about a husband or father breaking these vows, I truly believe because God is my husband and Father He came in and broke them, and this is all happen that I may learn to be more alter and gain wisdom from my mistakes. I love to give to the Lord and He know this, and when I hear a need my heart leaps, however if I am not able to pay my bills, because of lack in the season I am in, then it would not be very cheerful would it?
I did know that the word on Compromise was going to lead this way, how thankful I am so I could repent for my lack of faith. We as God’s people give to God what is already His, the tithe, and give our offering with gladness, for God is not mocked;
Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
There is another compromise we make in God’s ways, when God wants us to write and inform the Body about something, do we? I know for me it has been hard however, I do it anyway, for God told me long ago in Jeremiah 1: 1-10
4 Then the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained F1 thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. 7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. 8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. 9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth. 10 See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.
So even when I get mocked at, God will come to my rescue, and confirm His word and doings in my life and in the nations. He will for you as well, don’t be afraid, for God is with you.
Do Not compromise the leading of our Lord, and just obey with joy and you will never go wrong, but remember this; you are still in your human suit, and because of that God says;
Is 55:6-10
6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous F248 man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So do not ever think you have arrived just because you say in His word and always listen for Him, until the day we are face to face we will not fully know Him. So keep on keeping on and preserve in Christ Jesus for He is the hope of your glory. Happy Reading
Copyright @ by Jacqueline Roland 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
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